
How to View the Invisible Star CW Leonis

This article is going to discuss how you the amateur astronomer can view objects that are not giving off significant visible light, from your back garden.

How to do Infrared Astronomy from your own backyard!

In this article I will discuss how to do infrared astronomy. Infrared astronomy has several advantages, one of which, is that you can get a lot more detail without being affected by the atmosphere distortion.

Celestron FirstScope Table Top Telescope Review and Unboxing

In this article we will be reviewing the Celestron and FirstScope, this telescope is a compact telescope with a simple Dobsonian design.

How to find M78 in Orion (the forgotten nebula of the Orion Constellation)

In this article we are going to discuss M78 the forgotten nebula in Orion. M78 brings back a lot of frustrating memories of just starting out in amateur astronomy and trying to find M78 after viewing the glorious Orion's Nebula .

A New Comet is Going To Brighten Our Skies This Summer

One of the things astronomers look forward to the most is comets these can be beautiful sights in the night sky and have a habit of popping up when you least expect it. A new one has been approaching the inner solar System from the Oort cloud for a while now, well I say new but it has been on its way for a few millions of years now. But it is now starting to grow larger and brighter in our skies. By July the 14th it will be within 1.8 astronomical units of the Earth and be shining at magnitude seven, however it will only get closer. The comet's name is C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) and is already record breaking because it is the furthest a comet has been seen while being active with a tail half a million miles long and a coma almost the size of Jupiter. The comet is staying near the star Cebalrai in the constellation Ophiuchus, by mid-September it will cross the horizon for northern hemisphere observers. Then for southern hemisphere observers it will potentially become a naked eye v

How to find the beautiful Albireo binary star in the Summer Triangle

In this article we are going to cover one of the most strikingly contrasting pair of stars in the night sky, Albireo.

How to spot Noctilucent Clouds (An Alternative to Aurora)

This article is going to discuss Noctilucent Clouds and how to spot them. These are literally clouds that shine during astronomical twilight as you can see in the footage at the bottom of the article.

How a Meteor Shower Tau Herculid Might Explode This Month

Tau Herculid is a minor meteor shower that in most years produces little or no meteors, however this year Tau Herculid may become much more intense, in a historical change. This is due to happen at the end of this month.

How to find the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) : A Great Galaxy for a Light Polluted Sky

In this article we are going to discuss what is potentially the easiest Galaxies to see in the light polluted skies and this is the Whirlpool Galaxy or Messier 51.

Tips on Observing Mercury and Venus (The Inferior Planets)

In this article, I am going to examine the planets Mercury and Venus these planets are either always following the Sun at sunset or moving ahead of the Sun at sunrise, because of this these planets are always quite difficult to see.